So a question was posted on my "Mom Discussion Board" that went something like this....
"Who still carries a diaper bag?? What's in your purse?" I was cracking up at all the responses that were very similar to mine.
My response:
I keep a fully stocked diaper bag in the car, but I also keep two semi stocked bags in Mason's closet, I don't know why. I do not carry a diaper bag into stores/ restaurants...they are too big and heavy.
Then on to the second part of the questions, "what's in your purse?" Here is my list: diapers, wipes, disposable changing pad, diaper trash bags (exactly like the dog poop bags you carry on your leash), bib, toys, a baggie of baby "puffs", a paci and paci (disinfectant) wipes. Also on any given day you will also find baby food jar, baby spoon, bowl of oatmeal, bottle, change of clothes...the list could just keep going. That's just Mas' stuff! I've still got my wallet, about 3 lip glosses/chap sticks, receipts, change purse, pens, planner etc.
This is what cracks me why do we think diaper bags are big and heavy???? When we just make our purses big and heavy to accommodate all the STUFF!!??
Something else that goes along with this, because I have so much baby stuff in my purse, on occasion, it starts sticking out the top, or I have to take the wipes or diapers out of my purse to get to my wallet.....the poor teenager checking me out at target on my lunch break always has the strangest look on her face "why do you carry diapers in your purse?" Or my purse tips over and a toy falls out...that's always a great reaction from the random person that saw it (what the heck???) ....UNLESS the target checker or the random people are moms......and then they don't even give it a second look, I mean not even a glace. Isn't it funny how when you become a mom, even just after a few months, your perception of "normal" changes??? To me it's totally normal now if I reach in my purse and pull out a spoon instead of a pen, or the noise coming from my purse isn't my cell phone but a toy Elmo cell phone saying "Elmo here, how are you today".
Just some food for thought....or some baby "puffs" for thought. Those things are good and zero fat!!!
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