Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What A Big Kid I Have!

Sorry about the absence, I have a new position at work that doesn't allow me to blog on work time.(nah, I never did that!) In my absence, Mason has grown up into quite the little toddler.  We moved him to his toddler bed which he is doing very well in. Last night we were trying to keep him up a little later in preparation for the time change-but he wanted nothing to do with it.  He marched himself into his room and tucked himself in! All I had to do is kiss him goodnight and turn out the lights! I came back into the living room to Travis' comment "Wow, that was easy"  My thoughts exactly! I can handle bedtime with the new baby if it's going to be like that!  My heart does go out to all those parents with bad sleepers. We've been lucky we our little man.  Here's a picture of his first night in his toddler bed-he's "getting comfortable" as he would say...

Since the move to the toddler bed, he has been waking up a little earlier, but nothing is better than your little guy toddling in your room in the morning holding his Mickey Mouse that is as big as he is to climb into your bed to cuddle.  Well I get the cuddle side, Travis normally ends up with Masons feet in his face.  Here's a picture of how they always end up sleeping,  we're at the lake in this one...

What would a mom blog be without a little bragging on your kid right?  Well Mr. Mason is so smart!  He is talking a lot...I mean A LOT!  Full sentences (kinda)!  My favorite thing he has said so far is when he asked his uncle Danny "want a bubble?" as he handed him the bubble wand.  He also says "I want down!" and other 2 to 3 word phrases. He says pretty much anything you ask him to say, and then out of all those words, he is using I would say around 100 without being prompted.  He can communicate pretty much anything he wants to now. He also knows a few shapes and colors. and counts to five (sometimes).
It's amazing how fun they are at a year and a half, but they are also so tiring... Travis and I can't wait for a little baby again.  A baby needs more care, but at least they stay where you put them and don't talk back!
We went to pick pumpkins over the weekend, I don't know if you all remember the great pumpkin pictures we got last year, but this year's pictures are horrible.  He did not want to sit by the pumpkins, heck he didn't want to sit still period. Oh well, what's a mom to do, we moved on, but here's what we got.

They also had a small petting zoo, which he loved.

In new baby news: We find out the sex on Monday, I have a feeling it's a boy, which would definitely be cheaper, but not nearly has fun as having a little girl to dress up :) So send some girl vibes!  Something our new little bean has been finding funny is kicking me in my bladder, he/she thinks it's hilarious, I do not.
I'm sure I'll update on Monday when we know what the sex is, until then...

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